Friday, September 12, 2014

Does Faith Really Require so Many Empty-Headed Smiles?

Here's Katharine Hayhoe on Moyers & Company all full of good cheer and bright smiles over God allowing the devastating effects of climate change to continue while her fellow politically well-connected evangelicals deny there's even a problem to address and conspire to thwart the enactment of meaningful policy.

How do you even parse this frustratingly fugazi'd faith clusterfuck, and why do the rest of us with something other than air and echoes between our ears have to? What the fuck is wrong with our species that we're so riddled with adult five year-olds running around like idiots believing in magical beings for no good reason? Where does it get these bozos and the rest of us again exactly? What is accomplished by faith and prayer that we would otherwise be lacking? God is all-powerful and benevolent, we're led to believe, and yet He not only can't be bothered to, I dunno, send a tiny jolting electric shock through Rush Limbaugh's microphone whenever he chooses to lie through his slimy, shill teeth about science and scientists, but also not a single, infallible, omnipotent finger gets lifted to prevent things like the drought Hayhoe believes is exacerbated by our GHG emissions. Somehow His Impressively Potent Creatorshipness lacks the will and/or ability to address simple lies as well as looming planet-wide catastrophes, and yet we're all still called upon to worship such a conspicuously absent, disinterested, apathetic Universal Slumlord.

Yeah, no thanks. I'll pass.

I've been trying to forgive and forget and warm myself up to the recent change of church-goer heart regarding "creation care" or "environmental stewardship," or whatever the hell they're calling it these days, but, look, if both Yahweh and members of his chaste flock who know better, such as Hayhoe and the Pope, ain't gonna go after Satan's agents of deception like Limbaugh with a little more vigor and determination, and all they're gonna offer us is some empty-headed smiles and nonsensical statements like "faith is the evidence of things not seen" (fucking figure that one out, why dontchya, and good luck), well, then I'm not terribly interested in extending ye ole olive branch. I mean, for fook's sake, at the very least rather than constantly walking around a meat-packing plant chanting pointless prayers, write your evangelical governor of Texas and your representatives in Washington telling them to start backing legislation that actually makes an impact as far as our emissions are concerned.

And shame on Moyers for not emphasizing more strongly how all those previous years of anti-ecological sentiment from the pulpit complicated environmental efforts and movements beyond just climate change. The Inhofes and Koch brothers of the world didn't just learn to misinform after research by climate scientists like Hansen and Mann started changing the discussion.

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