Friday, September 26, 2014

Patrick Moore Still Relegated to Anti-Science, Crackpot Outlets

A while back, I mentioned how some of the mouthiest and screwiest deniers are running out of places to peddle their ridiculous pseudoscience. Well, Patrick Moore seems more than happy to dash at breakneck speed straight into the Twilight Zone, where, I guess, he plans on attempting to convince its flaky inhabitants (or merely preach to their already brainwashed choirs) that anthropogenic climate change is somehow magically not an established scientific fact, and for which there is "no scientific proof at all." Ladies and gentlemen, meet his newest oddball friend, host of Freedomain Radio, and self-professed anti-statist and anarcho-capitalist (a personal title which seems to have no other purpose than to make people roll their eyes), Stefan Molyneux.

To give you an idea of the impressive size of Stefan Molyneux's tin foil hat, he believes not just climate change, not just acid rain, and not just pollution in general, but cancer is a government-controlled conspiracy. You read that right. Cancer is some kinda intentional, terror-inducing, government plot.

"Through the professional fear mongers, one wave of terror followed another. No more oil! No more food! Black skies! Acid rain! Dead seas! A new ice age! Global warming! Garbage overflows! Nuclear winter! Birth defects! Cancer!

"The deadly drumbeats of terror continued without respite. Scared of capitalism, industrialization, wealth and freedom, citizens surrendered more and more power to the ‘protection’ of the State."

Uh, Patrick, where the hell do you find these nuts, and why do you think their unhinged, conspiracy theory-loving audiences are good places to spread your pseudoscience? What's the end game here, Patrick? You being interviewed in a protective chamber with RF shielding by people who think electromagnetism is harmful to humans? Is that the next step to get your message of science denial out there to the world? How about you come back down to Planet Reality and stop courting these strange, marginalized cranks, huh?

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