Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Exchanging Snowstorm Love Notes (Tweets) with Steven Goddard

Wherein I have a ridiculous pseudo-real-time Twitter chat with our favorite cherry-picker in chief:

Full conversation, enjoy.

UPDATE: Deleted a tweet for spelling/typos and conversation got derailed to another chain. Grrrr.

FURTHER UPDATE: OK, conversation thread got broken several times, so you'll have to visit my Twitter account or Steven Goddard's to get the whole story. Turns out Steven Goddard believes in climate change, uh, I guess, but he just thinks being able to fry eggs on hot sidewalks in cities, not CO2, is the culprit. Uh, or something. Dunno, read the exchange and decide for yourself. The guy's out there, to say the least. Here's my own personal favorite tweet. I do crack myself up. :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hillbilly Planetary Science

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Your bow tie-sporting, soon-to-be Universal Overlord wants you to understand why we humans are in fact changing the climate for the worse.

And before you screwball deniers carry on and crow away incessantly about Nye being a "GMO denier," he's really not. He knows they are safe to eat; he just has doubts about their effects on the ecosystem. And even if he were a true "GMO denier", here's the essential difference between his "denial" and yours: he's willing to change his opinion in the face of THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS.

Here's a Nye quote from the Science Friday interview linked immediately above:
"You can show with great confidence that these [GM] foods are safe to eat...But what you can't be sure of is if you messed with [the ecosystem]...What I plan to do is go to Omaha, Nebraska, and meet with [Rob] Fraley, who's...the chief technology officer of Monsanto, and he's gonna give me an earful, and if I'm wrong, I will write about it."

For the record, I, personally, am more concerned with the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on the environment than that of GMOs. Mostly, what concerns me about GMOs is that their advocates trust them to "save us all" way, way, way too much. They ain't all that, people. Get over it. In fact, neonics probably deserve more credit for recent increased crop yields than they do. Problem is, they just might be responsible for the vanishing pollinator insects as well.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

By Far the Greatest Issue Facing Our Species

2015. A new year. A new start. A new chance for all the deniers to...



So, let's take it from the top, people. Let's start again right from the beginning of the evidence chain, and return to the basics to kick off 2015. This video explains plainly and simply why...


I dare you to watch this and STILL try to deny the existence and severity of the problem. G'head. I'll wait right here.