Thursday, August 7, 2014

Bill Nye for Universal Overlord

I would only add one thing regarding the credentials issue raised early on in the video. You could have just evolved barely enough to grow a set of rudimentary limbs and crawled out of some bubbling, primordial ooze too soon to develop a neocortex, let alone pass a single technical course or earn a degree, skill, or expertise of any kind, then raised your drooling, dripping self to a swaying, semi-erect stance with your proto-knuckles dragging on the ground, declared to the world in halting caveman grunts, "SLIME SCHOOL NOT HAVE SCIENCE CLASS," and it would matter very little, as long as you trusted and listened to the analyses and explanations of people who do understand the issue. If you managed that much, despite your primitive state of intellectual progress, you would still exhibit more intelligence, common sense, and rational wherewithal than your average climate change denier, or, truly, even those "above average" ones with advanced degrees, who should know better, but unfortunately do not.

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