Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Easy Money, Right, My Little Screwy Denier Friends?

And I thought I stuck my neck out and challenged climate change deniers. I got nothing on Dr. Christopher Keating who recently offered $10,000 to anyone who can disprove man-made global warming.

"I'm a scientist and I have to go where the science leads me. I have been studying climate change for a long time and I am certain my money is safe. They are in the business of denial and deception, not science. But, if someone could give me a scientific proof global warming isn't real, it would be worth the money."

I mean, geez, why haven't Anthony Watts, Steven Goddard, Dr. Roy Spencer, John Christy, Judith Curry, et al, and you wingnut denier trolls who constantly crow away on Internet forums that you know better than climatologists already cashed in, hmmmmm? Didn't have the chops AGAIN?! Ah, poor little ineffectual denier loudmouths can't seem to come through when it counts.

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