Thursday, September 4, 2014

Steven Goddard Relies on Al Gore for His Arctic Information

Most intelligent people interested in the real story of what's going on up in the Arctic due to climate change visit sources like the NSIDC and PIOMAS, or sites that use their data. That's how you get a clear and well-evidenced picture of the disturbing ice loss trend over the past few decades due to our greenhouse gas emissions.

Steven Goddard, however, trusts to his own interpretation of Al Gore's words, so he had the strange idea in his mostly empty head that the Arctic would be ice-free this year. Weird, because I thought that, despite being smitten, climate change deniers like Goddard were against what Al Gore had to say — you know, because he's fat and rich and all that deep and important stuff — and would therefore dismiss his opinion. Nope, turns out hopelessly confused trolls like Goddard are so hopelessly confused that they rely on Grandpa Al for predictions about the Arctic, and are astounded when they turn out to be untrue and more scientifically-accurate sources tell the real story.

Then again, who am I fooling? I mean, these screwball denier trolls have only had about half a decade to figure what Gore was really saying and what prompted it, but, surprise, surprise, they failed to do so.

Maslowski is on the record stating he thought it possible that we'd lose all summer ice cover in the Arctic by 2013. Let's do some math. That is 3.5 years from now. Gore said 75% chance in 5 to 7 years based apparently on personal conversations with Maslowski. You know what? Gore's statement was a conservative estimate relative to what I found Maslowski has said on the record.

Shocking that Goddard and crew are so embarrassingly lost, I know.

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