Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Man, Some of You Realists Are Incredibly Patient

Rupert Darwall has written a book entitled The Age of Global Warming in which he accuses the climate science community of blacklisting deniers McCarthy-style. No surprise, the Heartland Institute has featured it in its "Heartland Author Series," and raves about and congratulates Darwall for drawing the following ridiculous conclusion, among others, in his book:

  • How politics “settled the science” of global warming in 1992 when the governments of the world agreed to the UN climate change convention at the Rio Earth Summit

Meanwhile, outside Darwall's strange assertions and the Heartland pseudoscience vortex, reality and the worldwide scientific community dedicated to understanding and explaining it continue to insist on settling the science of dangerous man-made climate change.

Darwall was given an opportunity to explain himself and his bizarre opinions on the David Pakman Show, and failed miserably.

Though he by no means let Darwall walk all over him during the interview (I especially liked the anesthesiologist analogy), I gotta say David Pakman is an exceptionally gracious and tolerant person, because my interview would have been much shorter and gone something like this...

"Wwwwwwaaaaaa!!!!!! No one will play with us when we're being crazy and ignorant!!!!!! WWWWWAAAAAAA!!!!1!11!!!11!!"

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