Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Are You Deniers Seriously This Featherheaded?

Yesterday, at the 2014 UN Climate Summit, President Barack Obama acknowledged the political inertia in nearly every country around the world, including America, impeding urgently-needed, meaningful action on climate change.

From his speech (emphasis mine):

"So the climate is changing faster than our efforts to address it. The alarm bells keep ringing. Our citizens keep marching. We cannot pretend we do not hear them. We have to answer the call...But we can only succeed in combating climate change, if we are joined in this effort by every nation, developed and developing alike. Nobody gets a pass...Nobody can stand on the sidelines on this issue...If we can look beyond the swarm of current events, and some of the economic challenges, and political challenges involved; if we place the air that our children will breathe, and the food that they will eat, and the hopes and dreams of all posterity above our own short-term interests, we may not be too late for them."

Here is the video of the talk he gave.

So, again, just to review, one of the president's main points here is that worldwide legislative lethargy, which he recognizes and readily admits still exists, can no longer be used as an excuse. He explained quite plainly and simply that we are already seeing the severe consequences of our inaction, and things will only get worse if we proceed with a business-as-usual mentality.

Not a difficult message to understand, I wouldn't think. I mean, at the very least you'd expect opposing viewpoints to not throw the ignorant, shortsighted reluctance of politicians to act on the issue, which he went to pained ends to address and eliminate as an acceptable, viable response, right back in his face, right? Right?!

Yeah, not so much.





On a skipping vinyl turntable.

Can you deniers possibly be this bloody stupid? He told you political challenges are no longer—

Wait a second, Americans for Prosperity. My bad. I apologize. I just now realized there was no way for you to know he addressed your retort about Congress being a bunch of uncooperative morons, or for you to have any knowledge of what he said at all, because you couldn't even be bothered to stick around and absorb the president's speech. Instead, you released your "response" beforehand, so you could, I guess, go play golf or something.

The fuck is that? You can't even make this demented shit up.

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