Monday, June 30, 2014

People Listen to This Awful Crap? Like, uh, Daily?!

Like a lot of idiots, Rush doesn't understand the difference between foundational and frontier science:

Here's a article on the study. I just gotta chuckle at how stupid Rush and his listeners are. Some of the most ignorant and predictably arrogant examples of the Dunning Kruger effect we, as Americans, have the "pleasure" of bumping into each day. Unfortunately for us, they're so numerous they're difficult to avoid. In this sound bite, Rush demonstrates why his terrible show is a misinformation-fest. He'd have us believe that because a computer model simulating the nascent universe — most likely 10^−33 seconds after the universe's birth, a time when we know so little for sure about the state of the cosmos study of it represents the very epitome of frontier research — needs refinement, it doesn't incriminate cosmological science, nope, it incriminates climate science.




Figure that one out, folks.

If Rush had more than two functioning brain cells, he'd realize that when a scientist puts it out there that an ambitious simulation needs more work, it doesn't even affect the reputation of his or her own area of study, let alone the unrelated one Rush has ignorantly chosen, for no good reason, out of the blue, to obsess over. Why the hell choose climatology as the field that needs to shoulder the "blame" for how models attempting to expand the borders of human knowledge work? Frontier theories are in constant need of tinkering. That's why they're called frontier theories, and not established science. This is THIRD GRADE shit. Eight year-olds fully comprehend the difference between scientific fact and things we don't yet know to a high degree of certainty, Rush, you senseless twit.

And the Godidit crap at the end is just priceless. God didn't need a model, huh? Take a look around at how f'd up the world is. Disease, terrorism, war, starvation, natural and man-made disasters, etc. A supreme being made this chaotic mess of a planet we live on? Seems to me like He did in fact use models, and they were a whole hell of a lot worse than Hogan's.

Listening to this radio brain rot on a regular basis has to shave IQ points. No wonder all you Rush fans are so bloody fucking stupid. Just a total national embarrassment every last one of you.

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