Saturday, June 7, 2014

Shut up and Watch It

Climate models aren't useful or accurate, my ass.

Perhaps the most important statement from the video:

"If we had observations of the future, we obviously would trust them more than models, but unfortunately observations of the future are not available at this time."

-Knutson and Tuleya

When you hear or read clueless denier trolls demanding smugly that climate models be exact or perfect, ask them one simple question, "What do you offer the world as an alternative for predicting climate, hmmmmmm?"

And sit back and watch the awkward, scrambling, question-dodging troll ballet. At best, they'll just respond with idiotic, unhelpful things like, "Duh, tea leaves are better than climate models," because they're ass-backward crackpots who lack the mental acuity to absorb lessons about modeling accuracy like Schmidt's video above.

Oh, and, deniers, if you're not too childish to understand this issue and have something worthwhile to add, then here's your chance. Do tell, what is the great, wonderful, unerring alternative to climate models you've been keeping secret all these years while senselessly bellyaching about them instead?

And make it good, because we've all had enough of the mindless, infantile tea leaves comments, mmmmkay?

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