Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy to Be at Your Aggravating Service, Deniers

Every second of the IPCC video below pisses you off, doesn't it, you science-challenged screwballs? The slick editing, the artful camera work, the sweeping pans, the epic scenery, the money that went into such an informative production, the classically-inspired electronic score—lilting and ethereal one moment, deep, jarring, and dramatic the next—the international accents, the eloquent narration, the well-researched facts, the academic settings, the scholarly language, and even the professorial all just irritates the living shit out of ignorant tosspots like you, I'm sure.

And, LOL, they disabled comments, so you can't spew your witless vitriol under such a well-made video. That's gotta hurt the most. Aaaaaaahhhh, poor wittle cwybabies got a big, fat cork stuck in their misinformed blowholes before they could start wailing, and moaning, and carrying on about how wet and icky their diapers are. G'head and let it all out below, you piddling infants. My comment section is here for ya. And so am I. Can't wait to escalate your frustration and blood pressure by humiliating you with peer-reviewed evidence you're too stupid to understand.

I'm like that, ya know?

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