"Two years ago, I caught NSIDC pulling a fast one in their sea ice graphs. A few hours before the Arctic extent line was about to cross the 1979-2000 mean line, they changed their plotting scheme to use a five day trailing average for the current ice and a nine day trailing average for the climatology. This moved the extent line away from the mean line, and narrowly avoided the immediate death of the death spiral.
I pointed out to them they can’t do that because it puts a two day relative shift in the data – and after arguing with me about it they admitted they can’t do that and fixed it the next day."
He caught them pulling a fast one, and told them they couldn't do that, dontchya know?
Some actual references/correspondences showing that this back-and-forth really happened, rather than his hearsay assertion two years later, would be nice (no, I'm not doing him the favor of scouring his archives), but let's cue up the hotshot private investigator music for him, anyway...
Too bad he couldn't catch the Arctic pulling a fast one back in 2012 before it decided to set a sea ice minimum record. But I guess if Steven Goddard, Nitpicking Denier P. I., weren't on the job policing the NSIDC, the Arctic would have tried to get away with even less sea ice that year, ya know?
K, HERE'S WHERE i PROVE YOU WRONG. Currently, most who do not want climate change action at the moment are that way only because it's being used by the 1% to make billions of dollars. As soon as the hungry billionaires back off!!!!, we can cool it down around here. Get my point?
You and I can both agree that bad policy and wealth disparity are problems (2 things I believe strongly, BTW), but it won't change the hard reality and undeniable physics of putting more CO2 in the atmosphere.
Read this post: http://whac-a-troll.blogspot.com/2014/06/gazing-into-past.html
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