Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Well, OF COURSE Bill Nye Agrees with Me...Uh...Mostly

About three months ago, I declared Bill Nye was worthy and capable of lording over our entire universe. He appeared on CBS This Morning to promote his book, and to further prove his worthiness to rule the cosmos by agreeing with me. Like, OMG, as if, whatever, like he had a choice, duh.

"It's not a coincidence that the, that the, uh, creationists also deny climate change."

Does this proclamation sound familiar? It should.

Of course, not every bow tie-sporting universal overlord candidate is perfect, mind, so perhaps it will come as a shock to no one, especially not my regular readers (all 2 of them), that I am gonna take at least some issue with Nye's glowing approval of the Pope's statement that evolution does not conflict with the "notion of Creation" (whatever the hell that is...I guess his Papalitude is trying to distance himself from creationism and creationists like Ken Ham), and that the Catholic head guy, as Nye puts it, has declared that the Church is "gonna join the mainstream of scientific thinking." Sorry, but I'm pretty sure you can search legitimate, peer-reviewed, biological literature from now till the end of time, and you will find nothing regarding a "notion of Creation" that applies to the God of Abraham and Pope Francis. Not a single, solitary reference. Nope, not one. Mainstream scientific thinking on evolution does not require Yahweh's assistance. If nothing else, scientists probably left Him out because they don't wanna make Zeus, Osiris, et supreme al, jealous, amirite?

On a related note, I recently had the pleasure of receiving an emailed reply from Dr. Steven Novella of the Skeptics' Guide to the Universe regarding this very same subject of the Pope and his statements about evolution and God. I have asked Dr. Novella's permission to post the exchange here. More on that when I get his answer...

Getting back to this post, all things considered, serious kudos go to CBS This Morning for giving air time to people who agree with scientific consensus more often than not. Now, if the producers and hosts of the show would just work a little harder on their unfortunate gullibility...

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