Saturday, November 8, 2014

"30,000 Studies Were Analyzed"

Michio Kaku was on CBS This Morning a few days ago talking about the latest IPCC Synthesis Report (emphasis in the quote below is mine).

"First of all, it's based on the largest analysis of data. Thirty thousand studies were analyzed. And, as you mention, for the first time in clear words [the IPCC] says there's a point of no return."

But...but...Michio, didn't they look at snow cover in...uh, just 2 months out of the year for...uh...only the northern hemisphere? I mean, 30,000 studies, who cares? They need to put on blinders, and cherry-pick only the stuff that agrees with their mindlessly moronic scientific ignorance. That's how Steven Goddard, Lord of Cherry-Pickers, does it.

Oh, brother.

While I don't always agree with Kaku on matters of frontier research, unlike Goddard and many other harebrained climate deniers, he recognizes scientific consensus and established facts when he sees them. Have a watch.

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