Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"Stick It to Climate Change Deniers," Says President

Jack Shapiro, Obama's National Issues Campaign Manager, is striking exactly the right tone here when he calls for aggressively taking the offensive on the climate change issue. For way too long, people with the science on their side have been on the defensive, playing catch-up to flat-out misinformation, and trying to politely right the unending stream of wrongs coming from climate change "skeptics." (Emphasis mine below.)

Deniers and deep-pocketed polluters make it pretty hard to get anything done on climate change—but here's one meaningful way you can fight them: The EPA is collecting comments on President Obama's climate plan, and it's our chance to show public support.

If you care about fighting climate change—or just want to stick it to the groups denying basic science—add your name to tell the EPA where you stand.

This is one of the decisive moments in the fight against climate change. Collecting comments gives the EPA a chance to see what ordinary people have to say about this important issue. (Don't worry—they hear from the special interests on every day that ends in Y.)

The other side thinks they can win this fight simply by shouting the loudest, and they have a lot of money to back it up. What they don't have is a whole lot of people—genuine voices standing up for what's right. And we've proved time and again that, when we raise our voices together, we can take on even the most powerful interests.

Now, that's what I'm talking about.

But, seriously, get clicking and add your support. After submitting your email, you will be asked to donate, which I encourage you to do if you can. However, if you can't donate, you will still be included in the list of sponsors. And we live in a world where numbers do count for something!

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