Friday, October 24, 2014

I Decided to Kick the Brainless Hornets' Nest

Steven Goddard likes to accuse NASA of cooking the books just about every five bleeding seconds. He seems determined to turn his blog into the premier source for ass-backward and completely asinine interpretations of NASA's research. No, really, the guy is simply an intellectually-stunted disaster.

I guess if you were feeling extremely generous, you could say he's truly and sincerely devoted to the extirpation of fraud wherever it may be found but just too abysmally stupid to distinguish it from legitimate research. Well, unfortunately for this slimy little blogging cretin, he doesn't even have that excuse to fall back on.

Witness his latest travesty of a post regarding sea level rise (SLR) in the Miami, FL area. You would figure, if he is indeed concerned about fraud, that when he posted the following worthless, cherry-picked graph, at the very least, he would have mentioned/linked to the source for the data. Yeah, not so much.

One centimeter of SLR in the Miami, FL area, eh, Tiny Steven? Gee, what happened to all your concern about fraud, you spineless charlatan? That went out the window quick, because, see, here's what NOAA has to say about your 1 cm...

Miami Beach, FL (~30 cm or just under 1 ft since 1900):

Vaca Key, FL (~40 cm or just over 1 ft since 1900):

Key West, FL (~30 cm or just under 1 ft since 1900):

Fort Meyers, FL (~30 cm or just under 1 ft since 1900):

In case you missed that clicking on those images gets you to the source, here is where I got those graphs. Notice how I actually link to my source, Little Squeaky Stevie Goddard?

I just couldn't let this one slide, dear blog readers, so I left the following comment over at Real Science (Jaezuz, it's painful typing that inappropriate blog title). Let's see if Goddard has the guts to let it post.

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