Monday, October 13, 2014

Record Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Still Only Proves One Thing

"Some people have looked at the Antarctic increasing trend, and used that to suggest that global warming isn't happening, or that the increase in the Antarctic is offsetting the decrease in the Arctic, and that's simply not true. If you look at just simply the magnitude of the changes we're seeing in the wintertime, the Arctic is decreasing about twice as fast as what the Antarctic is increasing."

- Dr. Walt Meier, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

This year's sea ice extent in Antarctica does not change the fact that the Earth is heating up due to our emissions, but it does prove one thing. You can post a video and an article from NASA/Goddard which plainly and simply contrast and put in clear perspective conditions at opposite ends of the planet, and which provide several reasonable explanations for the minimal sea ice expansion at one pole relative to the larger loss at the other (all in complete harmony with a warming world, mind), and none of it will manage to penetrate the impregnably thick skulls of the deniers who flock to your strange site (scroll down to the comment section, and commence to facepalming). Not one bit. Zilcho. Nada. Nothing.

Oh, brother.

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