Thursday, July 10, 2014

Who Is This Person, and Why Is He Pretending to Stand in Front of an Audience?

After about a minute of this guy's overacting... hit me that he's standing in front of basically NO ONE. Well, besides the dope with the camera and maybe his mom and dad who probably still have to do his dishes, laundry, and clean his room for him, and a smattering of other relatives who got reluctantly dragged along. Don't videographers at talks usually point the camera at the audience every now and then? Jussayin.

So I figured I'd try to find out who he is, and where the hell he gave this nonsensical talk. I mean, he got asked to give a dissertation on climate change in front of an (LOL) "audience," uh, somewhere, right? So he must be someone with serious credentials, right? Checked the vid description. Nothing on him or the location. So I went over to the Suspicious0bservers site, and found out that his name is Ben Davidson, he has a low-level "Juris Doctorate" law degree, a BA in economics, and was on the Denison U. golf team. The location is indicated not-so-clearly on the podium in the video, and with a little more description in the credits. Something called the "The Thunderbolts Project: 2014 EU Conference Forum" which took place in a hotel in Albuquerque, NM, USA. No, I don't understand the "conference forum" redundancy in the title, either, but "EU" stands for "electrical universe" apparently, and not the European Union, as I'm sure Ben Davidson was hoping people would think when he posted the video on YouTube with no event details (you know, like he got called over to some IPCC review in Copenhagen, or something). This is from the project's about-synopsis page (more inexplicable redundancy):

Planetary Science

In the recent history of the solar system, its electrical environment changed. Under changing electrical conditions planetary orbits changed as well.

Close approaches of planets led to powerful electric arcing between planets and moons. All rocky bodies in the solar system show the massive scars of these kinds of electrical events.

Electric discharge scarring is occurring even now on Jupiter’s closest moon, Io, and on Saturn’s moon, Enceladus.

A half-baked lawyer who knows where to find the cheapest golf courses gave a climate change talk in front of nutcases who think planets get close enough to shoot lightning bolts at one another and their moons, and Io was scarred by lightning bolts from Jupiter (he was the Roman thunder god, after all) not volcanic activity. You can't even make this crap up, people. Is there no end to the pseudoscience insanity out there? No wonder the hall was so "packed" the camera person opted to not show it. Oh, brother.

And I swiped this really precious pic off good ole Ben's site:

Yup, you got it, folks. "Climate change expert" and amateur golfer, Ben Davidson, would like you to know that if anyone tells you the Earth has a climate, IT'S A LIE. And people wonder why I call all you bozos "climate deniers" from time to time, leaving the "change" part out. It's because you either deny we have the climate we have presently and in reality, or, when you're really feeling demented, you evidently make images that deny we have any climate at all. Gotta tell ya, that last part was news to me. I had no idea you went this far.

Oh, and the rest of us have to remember that we need to pump CO2 into the atmosphere to save us from the impending cosmic ray ice age, or whatever screwball nonsense the Suspicious0bservers are trying to get at in this absurd video:

Look, if you mentally-unhinged deniers are going to pull embarrassing shenanigans like faking a serious climate change talk and putting it on YouTube, I'm gonna stop confronting you directly here in this blog, and start calling out your parents instead. It's well past time the whole lot of you got kicked out of the basement, and sent out into the real world to face the music.

And learn how to use the washer machine, and cut Mom a break, huh? You're out of college now and getting invitations to speak in front of five people at "electrical universe" conferences in Albuquerque hotels for cripes sake.

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