Saturday, July 26, 2014

Mann Alive! 700 Additional Hockey Sticks

We can add the NHL to the list of communists (could Goddard's desperate reaching become anymore pathetic and ridiculous?) who acknowledge the danger to our way of life represented by anthropogenic global warming (AGW). In a recent sustainability report, which details the things the league is doing to reduce its carbon footprint and environmental impact, commissioner Gary Bettman recognizes what climate change means to a sport that requires winter weather.

"Our sport can trace its roots to frozen freshwater ponds, to cold climates. Major environmental challenges, such as climate change and freshwater scarcity, affect opportunities for hockey players of all ages to learn and play the game outdoors."

That dirty communist, Bettman. He must want to avoid contract negotiations with fair market value-minded players. Obviously, his real goal is to turn the NHL into the Soviet Hockey Championship League. Negotiations will start going his and his Kremlin-Krony owners' way much more often, when KGB agents serve as the arbiters, and getting sent down to the minors takes on a whole new meaning.

It turns out the NHL contributes only a fraction of our annual global CO2 output (34Gt): approximately 530,000 metric tons during a full 82 games/team season. Whereas emissions reductions within the league may not go a long way toward reducing planetary totals, the attention this initiative will bring to the AGW issue could be tremendous. Kudos to Bettman and the NHL for doing this, and may it encourage many other professional sports to do likewise, whether or not they play on ice. I'm talking to you, FIFA, NFL, MLB, etc. If all leagues across the globe issued such reports and carbon reduction goals, our global emissions might see a somewhat noticeable impact. An all-encompassing, multi-sport report would be a very interesting read indeed.

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