Friday, September 19, 2014

Deniers' Second Favorite Organization: The US EPA

It's been wwwwaaaaayyyyyyy too long since I posted a well-made, informative, sensible, and scientifically-accurate video for no other reason than simply to irritate screwball climate change deniers no end. This one is from their second favorite government agency, the EPA.

What's their first favorite organization, you ask? Why, the IPCC, of course.

Can you hear that? Off in the denier distance? The eerie, wailing moan of grown adults having frantic tantrums that would make five year-olds facepalm and shake their heads?

"Wwwwwwaaaaaa!!!!!! Government officials and scientists are smarter than I am!!! Uuuuuuuuhhhhh-wwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Uuuhhhh-WWWWWWWAAAAAAAAA!!!1!!1!!!1"

I think I might just have to start a regular series here on this blog entitled "Just to Tick off Deniers."

One might argue that's the blog's main purpose, anyway. But, hey, when sending the point home, a little redundancy never hurts. :)

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