Back in June, pathetically confused deniers like James Delingpole thought they had a serious GOTCHYA! to use against climate realists with a study about volcanism under the West Antarctic Ice Sheet that they totally misunderstood and misconstrued.
From the article Delingpole wrote:
The cause of climate alarmism has suffered yet another devastating setback: new research suggests that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet is not, after all disappearing due to man-made global warming, but because it has a volcano underneath.
Only problem for Delingpole, and other denier clowns, is that wasn't what the study said at all. Like anyone, scientists don't like people putting words in their mouths, so authors of the study were quick to denounce and reverse these denier fabrications.
According to Schroeder, Rignot’s paper, and another that came out in May, show that warm oceans are currently the main cause of glacier loss at the edge of the ice.
'The fastest glacial changes are happening where the ocean is warmer,' Schroeder said. 'Geothermal heating is not enough by itself to have caused the observed changes.'
In response to those who are using his study to deny climate change, Schroeder confirmed that volcanic activity is not the dominant force of ice loss and rising sea levels.
'If you want to understand how the glaciers are changing, you can’t just look at the ice, you can’t just look at the climate system, you can’t just look at the geology, you have to look at the whole picture,' he said.
In other words, Delingpole, you can't be a cherry-picking, science-mangling denier idiot. Lucky for you, researchers like Schroeder are too nice to put it in plain language.
Me? Not so much. BTW, did I mention you're an idiot, Delingpole?
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