Saturday, September 19, 2015

Of Course Trump's Not Gonna Respond, but I Had to Ask

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that his opinion has...ahem...matured in three years, but he did tweet this as someone with an Atlantic City, NJ casino named for him immediately after Sandy wreaked its climate change-intensified havoc on the area.

Now, I'm a nobody, so of course he won't respond to me, but if enough people retweet it, who knows, maybe someone "important" (unlike yours truly) will have the guts to confront him about it. I have a feeling his response, whatever it might be, will be interesting. Even a typical politician-style dodge-and-weave evasion will tell us something about how the "Real Donald Trump", as his Twitter handle describes him, is or is not evolving as a candidate.

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