Sunday, December 13, 2015

A Modest Climate Proposal

A Modest Climate Proposal




IT IS A MELANCHOLY OBJECT to those who travel this wondrous globe, when they see streets, buildings, and towns devastated by extreme weather events, crowded with families that include three, four, or six children, all in the same rags they wore before evacuation and importuning every passerby and news crew for rebuilding funds and assistance.

These people, instead of being able to lead normal lives or work for an honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in repairing the homes and neighborhoods they require to raise their helpless infants, who, as they grow up, produce vast quantities of the very greenhouse gases which landed them in this dilemma, or leave their dear native country to fight for control of more fossil fuel supplies, or fall for campaigns aimed to warm their bleeding little hearts into eliminating research for viable alternatives.

I think it is agreed by all parties that the prodigious number of climate change victims is in the present deplorable state of the global economy a very great additional grievance to our gravely concerned leaders in Paris; and therefore whoever could find out a fair, cheap, and easy method of making them sound and useful for the purposes of agreed policy, and to whatever indiscernible ends it is intended to serve, would deserve so well of the public as to have his statue set up for a preserver of the planet.

But my intention is very far from being confined to provide only for those left homeless by devastating events; it is of a much greater extent, and shall take in the entirety of human breeders and consumers causing an ever-increasing challenge to the Earth's capacity to support them.

As to my own part, having turned my thoughts for many years upon this important subject, and maturely weighed the several schemes of other projectors, I have always found them grossly mistaken in their computation. It is true, a child just dropped from its dam may be supported by the burning of fossil fuels for a, please excuse the term, solar year, with little other energy input; at most not above the value of average adult consumption or 20 barrels of oil annually, but it is while they are still minors that I propose to provide for them and the parents, who have chosen to burden the environs with their birth and rearing, in such a manner as instead of being a charge upon society, or wanting electricity and power for the rest of their lives, they shall on the contrary contribute to the generation of same for many happy millions.

Fortunately, I need not delve into a lengthy elaboration of my numbers and calculations in order to defend my proposal, as others have already done the hard work and hammered out the logistics for us. We need only summon the moral fortitude necessary to conduct a lottery to determine who will or will not serve the greater good, and then put the, by now, well-known plan below into action.

Finally! An energy supply all of our leaders can get behind, and work into effective zero-emission policy without reservation or hesitation! One which simultaneously cuts and meets demands. And, surely, one that can still be provided at a handsome price to the rest of us free rangers lucky enough to have been exempted by the lottery, thereby satisfying the interests those who gathered in Paris recently always keep foremost in their thoughts.

Now, please note that if providing people with a familiar dreamland they can enjoy while powering our society contrasts with idealistic notions of fairness and humanity you hold dear, and maybe even triggers your moral outrage, I do have a fallback suggestion which provides a much simpler and—ahem—swifter resolution.

We toss the least productive society members into furnaces that generate electricity for the rest of us. Start with the deceased, then move on to prisoners, and ultimately make our way up to art history majors (thank you, Click and Clack). Now, it can be argued that the incineration of children and grown adults, alike, having required both above and below-ground energy inputs to reach their individual states of maturation, will still initially contribute to the imbalancing of the carbon cycle, but surely the benefits of reducing population in the long run will far outweigh the production of emissions in the short term.

I profess, in the sincerity of my heart, that I have not the least personal or financial interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the public good of my world, by enabling profits for the wealthy. I have no one by which I can propose to get a single penny by either farming their BTUs or selling them to a cogeneration facility; being unmarried, childless, and having every intention of staying just so.

(For those interested in the original: linkie)

Monday, October 5, 2015

Speaking of Not Responding, Ladies and Gentlemen, I Give You the Suspicious0bservers

A couple days ago, I left the following comment, which has yet to be approved, on a Suspicious0bservers video:

This is the graph image I linked to in the comment:

Now, there are only about 1,000 "sciency"-sounding, cherry-picked points in that video which have little or nothing to do with climate change, and certainly don't add up to the nonsensical conclusions that Ben Davidson, narrator and owner of the YouTube channel, draws. For instance, at this point in the video, he claims CO2 is NOT the main driver of the observed modern warming, and, instead, our planet's diminishing magnetosphere combined with high solar activity are the real climate change culprits, since, according to him, we had less protection from the Sun's radiation at the same time we witnessed temperatures rising after the Industrial Revolution. While it's true the magnetosphere has been and is weakening slightly, here's the problem with teaming it up with the Sun to make some new global warming dynamic supervillain duo: the magnetosphere prevents charged particles from reaching the Earth, not visible light and infrared energy—that is, the electromagnetic radiation which has interacted with greenhouse gases to cause the greenhouse effect historically and modern climate change more recently. In other words, a weakened magnetosphere may cause more intense auroras at the poles, or endanger satellites and electronics, but it won't let in more sunlight, brighten the daytime hours, and create a spike in the sunglasses industry. Is anyone anywhere complaining of global brightening? When the magnetosphere strengthens again, which it will, will days grow darker? NO!

Almost all of the Suspicious0bservers' videos are like this. A classic case of "Jaezuz, there's so much wrong here, where do I even begin?" So I thought I'd pick just one mistake, rather than frighten Ben into blocking a comment with a barrage of counterpoints (besides, my personal ethics are against flooding...yes, even when the target is a flood of misinformation), but it seems like Ben is a little too skittish to let even one strong challenge fly on his channel. Click on the link to the video above, toggle the comments filter to "Newest first", and I'm pretty sure you'll see my comment hasn't been approved yet.

I even went so far as to tweet at him yesterday to no avail:

So how about it, Ben? Gonna allow some criticism and debate on your channel? Or are you going to block and hide from it?

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Of Course Trump's Not Gonna Respond, but I Had to Ask

I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that his opinion has...ahem...matured in three years, but he did tweet this as someone with an Atlantic City, NJ casino named for him immediately after Sandy wreaked its climate change-intensified havoc on the area.

Now, I'm a nobody, so of course he won't respond to me, but if enough people retweet it, who knows, maybe someone "important" (unlike yours truly) will have the guts to confront him about it. I have a feeling his response, whatever it might be, will be interesting. Even a typical politician-style dodge-and-weave evasion will tell us something about how the "Real Donald Trump", as his Twitter handle describes him, is or is not evolving as a candidate.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Reacting to Deniers with Social Justice-Style Censorship is WRONG

A few months back (over 5 to be more precise), a completely unnecessary bit of Twitter drama unfurled involving the cherry-picker in chief, Steven Goddard. Apparently, people complained that he was "abusing" or harassing climate scientists and his opponents via his tweets, and Twitter agreed, temporarily suspending his account. DailyKos derided Goddard's protests of the suspension here.

Now, all 3 of my blog readers know that I'm no fan of Goddard, and disagree with just about everything he says. That being said, you know what the WORST way to deal with deniers' scientific illiteracy is? To act like butthurt social justice warriors and claim that when they childishly call people "Nazis" and "fascists," it's abusive, harassing behavior worthy of censorship.

Yes, I just said "butthurt social justice warriors," and get used to it, because I'm beginning to believe the radical Left is becoming more of a threat to science than the usual suspects on the Right ever possibly could dream of being. Perhaps more on that in later posts.

Here's a snippet of the DailyKos' sarcastic take on Goddard's understandable reaction:

Goddard responded to Twitter's horrific injustice with a slew of posts, including one about "Green Shirt Fascists," where he begs readers to tell Twitter to "release" him as a "Political Prisoner at Twitmo," and another informing readers of his new URL ( because he expects "climate Nazis to get [him] blocked from Wordpress."

Which leads one to wonder, what does Goddard consider abuse, if not calling people fascists and Nazis? Apparently it's not though, since "The Nazis at Twitter" have since restored his account.

You know what's abusive, DailyKos? Censorship. How about we suspend your Twitter account for abusive support of censorship and mock you when you complain? Oh, it'll only be temporary, so buck up.

And, yes, as I've tweeted, I already understand that I'm way late in covering Twitter's draconian nonsense here.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

Sorry, Anonymous, When You're Wrong, You're Wrong

Kicking the Anonymous hornets' nest could go over poorly for yours truly. At least when my blog vanishes, all 4 of my readers will know why. :)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Conservative #SCOTUS Spurns Personal/Private Responsibility, Encourages Nanny State

The next time a climate denier moans and groans and bellyaches over the "nanny state" forcing the burden of climate change mitigation onto the average taxpayer, remind him or her of Kivalina, AK.

The citizens of this sinking village tried to hold the private parties responsible, rather than their fellow taxpayers, but the SCOTUS and other courts dismissed the case. Tell me again, my precious little right-wing denier friends, how interested you are in personal responsibility, and how averse you are to the big, bad, nanny-state government moving in to offer up its oh so "scary" help (thanks for that, Ronnie), if the way your fellow Americans are being mistreated here doesn't burn your bacon. I just can't get enough of your completely transparent horsepuckey.

How many times are we gonna fall for industry lying in order to push the real costs of their huge profits onto us? No, seriously, how many times?

So keep truckin', America. Keep doing your abysmally confused, misinformed best in those voting booths.

That is, of course, if you can at all be bothered to get up off yer lazy arse and show up at them.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Burlington, VT Claims 100% Renewable Electricity Production

I used to live in Burlington, and my wiseass friends and I, sitting out in coffee shop chairs on Church St., would occasionally catch Mr. Bernard Sanders, once mayor, then US Representative, briefcase or manilla folder bursting with documents in hand, hair a wind-blown mess, bustle by like Hermes on some Mt. Olympus errand (he took his job quite seriously even then), and crack jokes we thought were pretty absurd at the time about him running for POTUS (let's keep our fingers crossed), so this achievement warms the cockles of my otherwise frozen, indifferent heart...

Renewables are not a pipe dream, people. They can reduce our emissions significantly. They just have to be as important to the rest of us as they are to the citizens of Burlington, VT.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Exchanging Snowstorm Love Notes (Tweets) with Steven Goddard

Wherein I have a ridiculous pseudo-real-time Twitter chat with our favorite cherry-picker in chief:

Full conversation, enjoy.

UPDATE: Deleted a tweet for spelling/typos and conversation got derailed to another chain. Grrrr.

FURTHER UPDATE: OK, conversation thread got broken several times, so you'll have to visit my Twitter account or Steven Goddard's to get the whole story. Turns out Steven Goddard believes in climate change, uh, I guess, but he just thinks being able to fry eggs on hot sidewalks in cities, not CO2, is the culprit. Uh, or something. Dunno, read the exchange and decide for yourself. The guy's out there, to say the least. Here's my own personal favorite tweet. I do crack myself up. :)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hillbilly Planetary Science

Saturday, January 10, 2015


Your bow tie-sporting, soon-to-be Universal Overlord wants you to understand why we humans are in fact changing the climate for the worse.

And before you screwball deniers carry on and crow away incessantly about Nye being a "GMO denier," he's really not. He knows they are safe to eat; he just has doubts about their effects on the ecosystem. And even if he were a true "GMO denier", here's the essential difference between his "denial" and yours: he's willing to change his opinion in the face of THE SCIENTIFIC FACTS.

Here's a Nye quote from the Science Friday interview linked immediately above:
"You can show with great confidence that these [GM] foods are safe to eat...But what you can't be sure of is if you messed with [the ecosystem]...What I plan to do is go to Omaha, Nebraska, and meet with [Rob] Fraley, who's...the chief technology officer of Monsanto, and he's gonna give me an earful, and if I'm wrong, I will write about it."

For the record, I, personally, am more concerned with the effects of neonicotinoid insecticides on the environment than that of GMOs. Mostly, what concerns me about GMOs is that their advocates trust them to "save us all" way, way, way too much. They ain't all that, people. Get over it. In fact, neonics probably deserve more credit for recent increased crop yields than they do. Problem is, they just might be responsible for the vanishing pollinator insects as well.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

By Far the Greatest Issue Facing Our Species

2015. A new year. A new start. A new chance for all the deniers to...



So, let's take it from the top, people. Let's start again right from the beginning of the evidence chain, and return to the basics to kick off 2015. This video explains plainly and simply why...


I dare you to watch this and STILL try to deny the existence and severity of the problem. G'head. I'll wait right here.