I think Steven Goddard is going to throw a cherry-picking gasket

LOL. Look at this moron go! Choose only the stuff you like, Little Tantrum-Fest-Athon-Orama Steven, and completely ignore everything else!

Jaezuz, somebody turn the "Cherry-Picking Mode" dial down to zero before smoke starts coming out of his ears and the hopeless automaton twit checks out on Denier Overload. Though I do think he forgot to mention that somewhere in Nunavut they got 1/2 inch more snow last year than usual. Bcoz, you know, for climate change to be true there can be no cold weather anywhere ever anymore, no rebounds of polar ice from one year to the next, no instances of historical hot weather, every country/region/state/etc. has to have more cyclonic activity, and so on.

Oh, brother. What a clueless idiot.

Note: This list of ridiculous Goddard cherry-picking may grow as I find the time to add more examples from his nonsensical blog.

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