Monday, December 1, 2014

Way to Go, Qatar

This post is not about climate change, but it does pertain to the ongoing effort of this blog to demonstrate the deleterious effects of religion, one of which is without a doubt the denial of global warming. Qatar, a monarchy and Islamic state, continues to detain and terrorize an Asian-American couple who are guilty of nothing more than being compassionate enough to adopt sickly African children.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally, the Huangs should be allowed to come home tomorrow (at this point, it's a matter of believing it will happen when it's seen to actually happen).

Now, if only someone can provide satisfactory explanations for the following...

1) Why the past two years have been turned into a living, legal nightmare for these poor people.

Oh, that's right...Islam.

2) Why FIFA couldn't be bothered to lift a finger during the whole affair.

Oh, that's right, the org has been busy whitewashing Qatari corruption and slave labor scandals.

3) Whether or not FIFA will reprimand its contractor, MWH Global, for pressuring Mr. Huang, after his release from prison, to return to work on the ANNIVERSARY OF HIS DAUGHTER'S DEATH. This is an especially "kind" act on the part of the company, considering the Huangs obviously could not see their sons or properly mourn/bury Gloria whose remains were sent back to the US.

4) And, lastly, whether or not they will be reimbursed the ~$1,000,000 US worth of defense fees they accrued (and the ~$5,000 judge-imposed fine that came along with their original 3-year sentence, assuming it's already been taken from them).

All because they were caring enough to adopt orphans born into destitution.