Saturday, June 21, 2014

Moore's Guffaw

From the latest wattsupwiththat bilge:
“Climate change” is a theory for which there is “no scientific proof at all” says the co-founder of Greenpeace.
It’s really sad when you can’t get past the first sentence of a post without laughing at how ignorant and incorrect the assertions are. For fook sakes, Watts, you can’t even get out of the starting gate without merrily falling on your idiotic face? But forget that for a moment, because I’m wondering how long we have to wait before Moore changes his screwy, irresolute mind on this topic like he has others in the past.
I was against nuclear energy when I was with Greenpeace, but I've changed my mind.
Indeed, he used to believe nuclear power would usher in a holocaust, but, ya know, poof he just changed his mind, so, meh, let’s all forget it ever happened. Which we could, if it were just nukes about which he has difficulty deciding where he stands one moment to the next. The guy is nothing if not a champion of self-contradiction, so don’t go accusing me of taking a cheap shot by mentioning the nuclear about-face.

From his company Web site (emphases mine for reasons that will become clear shortly):
Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. helps companies create effective sustainability strategies that minimize and mitigate the environmental footprint of essential industrial activity...we help connect the dots between strong, sustainable economic activity, a robust natural environment and thriving urban and rural communities...Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. helps companies ensure a detailed and measurable plan for corporate social responsibility is at the heart of its development activities...For example, local program initiatives that teach long-term, sustainable skills to community members – even beyond the life of the development project – invariably provide real benefits for the community, the surrounding environment and the company itself.
Wait, so now it’s OK to be concerned about the environment again, Moore? And capitalist profits as well as social welfare? What the hell?! That was a really quick turn around, unlike your nukes transformation which took several decades. I thought, only a couple years ago, these were all evil “isms.”
“Environmentalism” is an “ism” like capitalism and socialism. In that sense it connotes an ideology...But one must dig deeper to find if they are misanthropic...This is really a question of attitude rather than facts...Ideology is negative in so far as it tends to divide people into warring camps with no possible resolution.
What happened to all that oppositional conviction you had regarding the very “isms” your company now somehow magically is all too ready and eager to embrace? Furthermore, how do we know you’re not just some human-hating, fact-trampling environmentalist/socialist/capitalist ideologue trying to divide people into warring camps, Moore? In fact, after browsing your firm’s site, I get the distinct impression that you are all three of these terrible evils – environmentalist, capitalist, and socialist – wrapped into one, since you run a for-profit company advising others on the societal benefits of environmentally-sustainable activities.
Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. (GSL) is a firm whose sole focus is corporate social responsibility (CSR) development and sustainability communications.
Christ, you can’t craft a corporate charter with clearer socialist, capitalist, and environmentalist aims and intentions. We should just assume you’re not an evil ideologue hell-bent on anarchy, Moore? Why is that exactly? Why should we take your word for it that you’re on the up and up unlike those other environmentalists/socialists/capitalists you’ve carried on about elsewhere, Moore? Hmmmm?

Seriously, who the fuck decries socialism, capitalism, and environmentalism, and then starts a goddamn company SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO PROMOTE AND PROFIT FROM THOSE VERY SAME THINGS????!!!! I mean, Jaezuz fooking wot thah fooking Cheeeeeroist, Moore. Hello?! Anyone home up in that empty, self-contradicting head of yours?

You have a lot of explaining to do, Moore, which I’m sure will only result in you shoving your foot deeper into your mouth.

What a certifiable whack job you are. No wonder Anthony Watts is in love with you.

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