Sunday, February 22, 2015

Conservative #SCOTUS Spurns Personal/Private Responsibility, Encourages Nanny State

The next time a climate denier moans and groans and bellyaches over the "nanny state" forcing the burden of climate change mitigation onto the average taxpayer, remind him or her of Kivalina, AK.

The citizens of this sinking village tried to hold the private parties responsible, rather than their fellow taxpayers, but the SCOTUS and other courts dismissed the case. Tell me again, my precious little right-wing denier friends, how interested you are in personal responsibility, and how averse you are to the big, bad, nanny-state government moving in to offer up its oh so "scary" help (thanks for that, Ronnie), if the way your fellow Americans are being mistreated here doesn't burn your bacon. I just can't get enough of your completely transparent horsepuckey.

How many times are we gonna fall for industry lying in order to push the real costs of their huge profits onto us? No, seriously, how many times?

So keep truckin', America. Keep doing your abysmally confused, misinformed best in those voting booths.

That is, of course, if you can at all be bothered to get up off yer lazy arse and show up at them.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Burlington, VT Claims 100% Renewable Electricity Production

I used to live in Burlington, and my wiseass friends and I, sitting out in coffee shop chairs on Church St., would occasionally catch Mr. Bernard Sanders, once mayor, then US Representative, briefcase or manilla folder bursting with documents in hand, hair a wind-blown mess, bustle by like Hermes on some Mt. Olympus errand (he took his job quite seriously even then), and crack jokes we thought were pretty absurd at the time about him running for POTUS (let's keep our fingers crossed), so this achievement warms the cockles of my otherwise frozen, indifferent heart...

Renewables are not a pipe dream, people. They can reduce our emissions significantly. They just have to be as important to the rest of us as they are to the citizens of Burlington, VT.